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After Hours

P.L. Schmitt Carbide Tooling LLC

Large Production Runs | Custom Tooling | 30 Years Experience

Over 30 Years of Experience
 Member of Chamber of Commerce
Excellent Customer Service

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P.L. Schmitt Carbide Tooling is proud of the close, family-like relationships that our
staff have, and we don’t just have fun at
work. We have some pretty good times outside of work as well! Check out some of our non-work adventures and continue to
check back to see our new ones!"
P.L. Schmitt Carbide Tooling is proud of the close, family-like relationships that our staff have, and we don’t just have fun at work
We have some pretty good times outside of work as well!
Check out some of our non-work adventures and continue to check back to see our new ones!"

IMTS 2018

IMTS 2018

Did you know... that our Vice-President, Ryan Powell, and his wife, Morgan, own M-P Showpigs?!?!

2017                                                                                 2018

PLSCT Sponsors the Adrian Maple Mentors!!

Paul and Dan, celebrating together Dan's (Dumbarton Tool) 60th Birthday! At the G Ranch in Cadillac, MI! A fun time was had by all!!!

Grass Lake Chamber of Commerce 11th Annual Charity Golf Outing

USCTI May, 2018 - Off Road Jeep Tour

After Hours Jeep

White Water Rafting

If You're Gonna Win... WIN BIG!!!

Christmas 2017 - Pajamas was the theme!!!

After Hours Jeep

October 2017

October 2017

PLSCT Florida Team Building Trip

October 2017

Kathy, one of our younger fans, showing off her PLSCT gear at her soccer game!!


PLSCT Sponsors
The 2017 Rotary Club of Jackson Golf "Fun Raiser"
September 6, 2017

Rotary 2017

Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Powell - August 19, 2017

Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Powel

Surprise!!! PLSCT Celebrates Paul's 60th!!!

PLSCT Bowling Team

PLSCT Bowling Team

Paul at Sandhill Crane Vineyards January 8th, 2017

Photos courtesy of M.A. Kalis Enterprises LLC
Thank You Mary Ann Kalis!!

Paul at Sandhill Vineyards

PLSCT Christmas Party 2016 at the Smiths!!

PLSCT Christmas Party 2016 at the Smiths!!

PLSCT Children's Sponsorships:

Elite All Stars of Maine Cheer and Dance

Dearborn Hockey Association
2004 Belle Tire

Paul Schmitt playing his piano at
Sandhill Crane Winery (Summer 2016)

Pauls Farmlife

Charity Golf Scramble - June 17, 2016 

Charity Golf Scramble

 Grass Lake Winter Fest 2016

Grass Lake Winter Fest 2016

PLSCT Christmas Celebration 2015

PLSCT Christmas Celebration 2015

Grass Lake Winter Fest 2015

Grass Lake Winter Fest 2015

Open House November 2014

Open House

P.L. Schmitt Carbide Tooling is proud of the close, family-like relationships that our staff have, and we don’t just have fun at work. We have some pretty good times outside of work as well! Check out some of our non-work adventures and continue to check back to see our new ones!

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